
Dark matter


Fractional distillation


The hunt for the missing 85% of matter in the universe is closing in on its quarry


IF YOU thought the Higgs boson was elusive, consider the case of dark matter. The Higgs—the particle that gives other subatomic species mass—was predicted in 1964 but actually nabbed only last year. That 48-year hunt, though, was a breeze compared with the one for dark matter. Physicists have known the stuff must exist since 1933, when Fritz Zwicky, a Swiss astro-physicist, coined the term to describe a substance which cannot be seen but without which visible galaxies would fly apart as they rotate. The latest results from the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite suggest it makes up 85% of all the matter in the universe (up from an earlier estimate of around 80%).

如果你认为希格波色子已经够扑朔迷离的了,那你不妨再想想暗物质的情况。赋予其他亚原子粒子质量的希格子是人们在1964年预言的,但只在去年才真正找到了它们。不过,跟对暗物质的搜寻相比,这48年的搜寻只不过是小巫见大巫而已。自1933年起,物理学家们就知道这种物质一定存在;当时,瑞士天体物理学家弗瑞兹•兹维基注1(Fritz Zwicky)创造了暗物质这一术语,用以描述一种人们无法目睹、但如果它不存在则肉眼可见的星系就会在旋转时分崩离析、四散纷飞的物质。来自欧洲航天局(European Space Agency)“普朗克”(Planck)号卫星的最新结果表明,暗物质所占宇宙全部物质总量的比例多于早些时约80%的估计,达到了 85%。

Like the Higgs boson, though, the actual particles of which dark matter is composed have proved elusive. Eight decades after Zwicky’s observations, and dozens of experiments later, they remain undetected. But on April 3rd an experiment called the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) offered the most tantalising hints yet.


Although Samuel Ting, the Nobel laureate who heads the effort, presented the findings at CERN (Europe’s, and the world’s, principal particle-physics laboratory), they did not stem from CERN’s own accelerators hidden beneath the Franco-Swiss countryside outside Geneva. In fact, they did not hail from Earth at all, for AMS sits on board the International Space Station (ISS), and is arguably the only piece of scientifically useful kit ever to grace that $100 billion contraption.

主持这一项目的是诺贝尔奖金得主丁肇中注2(Samuel Ting);尽管他是在欧洲核子研究委员会(CERN)(欧洲与全球首屈一指的粒子物理实验室)发布这一结果的,但这些成果并不是在CERN自己的粒子加速器(深藏在日内瓦城外、法国-瑞士交界的乡村地下)内完成的。而且,这些结果实际上根本就不是地球上的产物,因为AMS现在正搭乘国际空间站飞行——有人认为,迄今为止,这台科学上用处良多的设备是唯一一套能让耗资1000亿美元的奇妙空间站增色的装置。

Like its ground-based cousins at CERN, AMS consists of a large magnet and an array of sensors to track a charged particle’s path. Unlike them, the particles it tracks are not the product of smashing things together in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), humanity’s biggest particle accelerator. Instead, AMS uses the most powerful accelerator of all: the universe itself.

跟它设置在CERN的那些地球同侪们一样,AMS也是由一大块磁铁和一个追踪带电粒子轨迹的传感器阵列组成的。但与它们不同的是,AMS追踪的并不是在人类最大的粒子加速器——大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Collider (LHC))中粒子对撞的产物;它所使用的,是一切加速器中最为强大的一台:宇宙本身。

A matter of fact?


Space may look empty, but it is in fact abuzz with particles produced in an assortment of astrophysical processes, and known collectively as cosmic rays. One process of particular interest to dark-matter hunters involves hypothetical particles called neutralinos. These are predicted by supersymmetry, a theory which removes mathematically inelegant fiddle factors from the Standard Model, the reigning rule book of particle physics, by doubling the number of species in the particle zoo.


Neutralinos are the lightest of the predicted supersymmetric beasts, with a mass equivalent to that of a few hundred protons (the Higgs, by comparison, has a mass of about 124 protons). They do not interact with light, and are therefore invisible. They are also stable enough to stick around in space for a long time. Just the sort of properties, in other words, that dark matter is thought to possess.


To physicists’ chagrin, attempts to conjure neutralinos from the LHC have failed. But if they do exist—and make up the bulk of dark matter in the cosmos—they ought to leave traces that AMS can detect.


When two neutralinos bump into each other, the theory goes, they should annihilate one another and produce in their stead an electron and its antimatter equivalent, a positron. Since, as Albert Einstein showed, mass and energy are one and the same, and because electrons and positrons are equal and opposite, each carries precisely as much energy as one neutralino has mass. It is these high-energy electrons and positrons that AMS is on the lookout for.


The problem is spotting them against a backdrop of electrons from other cosmic sources, which are much more common than positrons are. To get round this, AMS examines how the ratio of positrons to electrons varies with the particles’ energy. At low energies, cosmic-ray electrons from other sources dominate. If high-energy cosmic positrons do indeed come mainly from dark-matter annihilation, however, then the “positron fraction” should rise with energy, and peak when it reaches the mass of a neutralino. Beyond that peak, the fraction should plummet, because few high-energy positrons from other sources would be expected to exist, whereas energetic electrons are abundant.


In the 18 months following AMS’s delivery to the ISS by the space shuttle Endeavour in May 2011, it recorded the passage of 30 billion cosmic rays. These included 6.4m electrons and 400,000 positrons that had energies ranging from 0.5 to 350 giga-electron-volts (GeV), measured in the esoteric units particle physicists like to use. These data show that the positron fraction does indeed rise with energy, just as theory predicts. As important, the same pattern is visible wherever AMS happened to be pointing as it orbited Earth.


This sits nicely with the notion that dark matter is strewn more or less evenly across the universe. At the same time it excludes another possible source of the particles: random cosmic events like exploding stars, which would not be so uniformly distributed, at least not over a period as cosmically brief as 1½ years.


Unfortunately, more data are needed to rule out a third possibility: that the observed particles were created by pulsars, the remnants of these stellar explosions. At the moment, AMS has not seen enough electrons and positrons with energies above 350GeV to draw meaningful conclusions about them. If pulsars are responsible, theory predicts that the positron fraction should decline steadily at energies above this value. If neutralinos are responsible, though, at some point—corresponding to the energy equivalent of their mass—the positron fraction will fall off a cliff. Approximately, one proton mass corresponds to one GeV, so this could happen soon. But the theory of supersymmetry does not vouchsafe exactly what a neutralino’s mass should be, so it might not. The “few hundred” protons may turn out to be nearer 1,000. Collecting enough high-energy electrons and positrons to test that will take quite a long time.


Fortunately, AMS is in it for the long term. It is designed to last for another 20 years or so. That means (assuming the space station is not, as is currently planned, abandoned as being too costly to maintain) it may still be delivering results on the centenary of Zwicky’s discovery. But if neutralinos take that long to find, the hunt for the Higgs really will look like a doddle by comparison.


[注1] 弗里茨•兹维基(1898 - 1974):瑞士天文学家,曾在超新星、星系团、暗物质等方面做出了重要贡献。

[注2] 丁肇中(Samuel Chao Chung Ting )(1936年1月27日-),美籍实验物理学家,汉族,祖籍山东省日照市,现任美国麻省理工学院教授,曾获得1976年诺贝尔物理学奖。他曾发现了一种新的基本粒子,并以和自己中文姓氏“丁”类似的英文字母“J”将其命名为“J粒子”。

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